Accreditation And Credentials

Vertex off-dock Logistic Services Ltd” has been redefined as ISO 9001-2015 certified company on completion of series of stringent analysis and thread beard assessment and appraisal carried over by ISO authorized auditor for “Quality Management System”. The ISO authorized auditor is highly satisfied with our compliance commitment to ISO regulations & accreditations and thereby handed over the certificate to the management in a ceremony. Both“ Vertex Off-dock Logistic Services Ltd & Vertex Logistics Ltd” are now ISO 9001-2015 certified company and it ensure that the company asses customer needs properly & meet them accordingly.

The Chittagong port authority ( CPA) has been perusing since long back to all the establishment linked with sea port to get certified and validated for ISPS code( International Ship and port facility security) through an authorized body of government. This is an IMO requirement and all cargo handling areas interfaced with maritime trade are required to comply with the requirements of the IPS Code & issued with a statement of compliance certificate. Regarding above “Vertex off-dock logistic services ltd” had to go under a stringent security assessment chain conducted by “Marine care consultants Bangladesh ltd” recognized security organization (RSO) of the designated authority for ISPA code, Government of Bangladesh and on completion of multi level validation process the “Vertex Off-dock Logistic Services Ltd” is duly recorded as ISPS statement of compliance of a port related area with authentic certification.

Real Time Service

Message from MD

Envisioning future potentiality in the service oriented industries ancillary to sea port logistics and shipping arena and capturing the entrepreneurial spirit, we set up Inland Container Depot (ICD) in the year 1999.At the inception, we developed the degree of ICD business

Accreditation & Credentials